28 May-1 Jun 2018 Banyuls-sur-Mer (France)


The conference will take place at the oceanological observatory of Banyuls-sur-mer. Details for access are available here. (For the Perpignan-Banyuls bus, click here.)

The lectures will take place in the "amphithéâtre" of the "bâtiment B" : see the map. Most participants will have lunch in the restaurant of the "centre d'hébergement", but only those who have registered on time.

The housing provided to some is in the "centre d'hébergement"; a picture of it can be see in the above mentionned map. It is also possible to park your car, if you have one: access to the parking is possible once you got your magnetic card (in the "bagagerie").

The conference will not support the housing of participants. A first list of hotels with special prices for the conference can be found below. A more complete list of hotels is available there.

"Le Catalan":
98 euros/night (single room, breakfast included)
140 euros/night (win or double room, breakfast included)
email: hlecatalan@wanadoo.fr
phone: +33 4 68 88 02 80

61 euros/night (breakfast included)
email: contact@hotelcanal-banyuls.fr
phone : +33 4 68 88 00 75 /  +33 6 01 83 95 33

"Côté thalasso":

(15% discount on room rates, indicate the name of the conference: FL60-Conference in honor of F. Loeser)

149 euros/jour ("avantage" room)
140 euros/jour ("classique" room)
email:  reservations@cote-thalasso.fr
phone: +33 4 68 98 36 66

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